Date published: 2020-05-26

Synapsa Platform - Install guide

Note: Applies for Synapsa On-Premise solution. If you wish to deploy the cloud version check the Synapsa Cloud page.

1 Pre Requirements

  • 8x vCPU
  • 16GB RAM
  • 120GB disk
  • Ubuntu 18.0.4

You will need to increase the resources, based on your infrastructure.

2 Install Docker Engine

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

You can find more information at

3 Install Synapsa container

docker pull synapsa/platform:latest

docker network create --driver bridge synapsanetwork

docker run --name synapsaredis --network=synapsanetwork -p 6379:6379 -d --restart always redis

docker run --name synapsaweb --network=synapsanetwork --dns= --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -e PARTNER=partnername -p 514:514/udp -p 514:514/tcp -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 3306:3306 -d --restart always synapsa/platform:latest

3.1 Mandatory parameters

--name Your container name
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN Add Linux capability
-e PARTNER=partnername Your organization name, which license is generated for. Parameter for TRIAL user looks like this: "-e PARTNER=trial". Default parameter looks like this "-e PARTNER=dockertest".
-p 514:514/udp UDP 514 port forwarding from host to docker
-p 514:514/tcp TCP 514 port forwarding from host to docker
-p 80:80 Port 80 port forwarding from host to docker
-p 443:443 Port 443 port forwarding from host to docker
-p 3306:3306 Port 3306 port forwarding from host to docker
-d synapsa/platform:versionnumber Image name from Docker Hub, version versionnumber

3.2 Optional parameters

--dns Default DNS server for container

4 Connect to your application

  • Open your web browser and navigate to https://HOST_IP.
  • Synapsa application by default listens on port 80 and 443.

Default login is “admin” with password “admin”.


5 Request License Key

The application will generate a unique ID, which is calculated from unique parameters from your host. You will need to send us the ID to generate a license for your application.


5.1 How to get the license key?

5.1.1 Option 1 - Free Trial

Navigate to the Free Trial page and follow the instructions. The whole process is fully automatic, all steps are shown on the website or sent to your e-mail during the process. After finishing the process, you will see the hash string which can be copied.


In case you are not sure please check the Free Trial Guide page.

5.1.2 Option 2 - Paid License

If you wish to buy a full license please Contact us.

Optionally you can create the account on a Sign up page, otherwise we will create your account on your behalf.


After getting the licence, just paste the hash string to the dialog window in the app and save.

6 Basic setup

Once you have generated license and you are logged in into application you can setup following.

  • Application URL
  • Mail server setting
  • SSL certificate

You can skip this step if you want to setup those setting later.

6.1 Perform application upgrade

It is very likely that there is an update available, because the docker image is released as a cumulative upgrade.

  1. Navigate to System -> Version
  3. Wait till update packet is downloaded and then proceed to START UPDATE
  4. Application will update to the latest version, no restart is needed.
  5. You may be logged out

6.2 Change admin password

Navigate to the left top corner, click on the person icon and Edit Account. We recommend to change default password to your own strong unique password.


6.3 Add your devices

Now the application is fully installed, you can add your devices like miners of firewalls. Please navigate to the the Synapsa Documentation page for more information.